California Native Plants Society is a California environmental nonprofit that seeks to preserve and increase understanding of California’s native flora.California Council of Land Trusts’ mission is to conserve California’s extraordinary land and water resources through a strong network of land trusts with one cohesive voice across urban and rural communities.If possible, contribute financially to community-based and environmental organizations. Unlikely Hikers is a diverse, anti-racist, body-liberating outdoor community featuring the underrepresented outdoors person.Outdoor Asian creates a diverse and inclusive community of Asian and Pacific Islanders in the outdoors.Outdoor Afro celebrates and inspires Black connections and leadership in nature, with more than 100 volunteer leaders located in 56 cities across the US.LGBT Outdoors connects the LGBTQ+ community to the outdoors and its members to one another.Latino Outdoors inspires, connects, and engages Latino communities in the outdoors and embraces cultura y familia as part of the outdoor narrative, ensuring Latinx history, heritage, and leadership are valued and represented.Indigenous Women Hike aims to regenerate the relationship between the land and its original people, while decolonizing the history of Indigenous territories.Disabled Hikers provides information, written by disabled hikers for disabled hikers, that other guides overlook.

Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing provides diverse experiential, educational, outdoor, and recreational experiences for Deaf and hard of hearing individuals to connect with nature, others in the signing community, and with themselves.